29/11/24 Human Resources

Improve Your Skills as a Manager with Our Training

Reading Time:  5 min


In recent years, the role of managers in recruitment has evolved significantly. They still need to define job objectives, tasks, responsibilities, key skills, experiences, and candidate profiles. Additionally, they now play the role of communicator and ambassador for your employer brand to attract candidates. 

  • Understanding Recruitment Challenges

Our training helps you fully grasp job market dynamics, candidate expectations, and current trends. You will be better prepared to anticipate your company’s needs and develop effective recruitment strategies.

  • Become a Key Player in Recruitment

As a manager, you play a central role in the recruitment process. Learn how to identify top talent, conduct effective interviews, and make informed decisions.

  • Define the Real Need

With a list of behavioral skills and a questionnaire, we help you define the required skills and experience. Managers can highlight the actual needs of the position instead of simply replacing one person with another.

  • Dive into Data-Driven Recruitment

Using data and analytics in recruitment allows for a more objective evaluation of candidates. Our training introduces you to tools and techniques for recruitment based on technical and behavioral selection criteria, reducing cognitive biases and maintaining objectivity throughout the process.

  • Attract Talent

Learn best practices for creating an attractive employer brand, writing compelling job offers, and developing effective retention strategies. Discover how to offer a positive candidate experience, essential for attracting top profiles.

  1. Overcome Cognitive Biases

Understand and counteract the automatic responses and systematic biases that occur when meeting candidates.

  1. Respect the Regulatory Framework

During the selection interview, it is crucial to adhere to a set of legal and regulatory rules to ensure fairness, transparency, and respect for candidates’ rights.


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